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Soon, SOLIS will be hosting a solar eclipse viewing event. The limited time flavor, Eclipse Strawberry, will be available the week of the event and all of the profits will go to The Planetary Society. The Planetary Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing space science and exploration by increasing discoveries about the worlds of our solar system and beyond, elevating the search for life as a space exploration priority, and decreasing the risk of Earth being hit by an asteroid or comet. A solar eclipse is an event where the moon lays between Earth and the Sun, blocking out the Sun and giving us a breathtaking view. This event only occurs every 18 months, so we like to make it a day to remember!

In 1980, Carl Sagan, Louis Friedman, and Bruce Murray founded The Planetary Society. They saw enormous public interest in space that was not reflected by government investment, as NASA’s budget was cut again and again. They established The Planetary Society to give anyone from anywhere in the world an active role in advancing space exploration. Today, The Planetary Society continues this work, under the leadership of CEO Bill Nye, as the world’s largest and most influential non-profit space organization. Click here to learn more about The Planetary Society!

Eclipse Strawberry

Eclipse Strawberry

Eclipse Strawberry is based off of the beautiful natural phenomenon, a solar eclipse. Its delicious strawberry flavor is a perfect refreshment for viewing the solar eclipse on April 4th!

Eclipse Strawberry

Eclipse Strawberry

Eclipse Strawberry is based off of the beautiful natural phenomenon, a solar eclipse. Its delicious strawberry flavor is a perfect refreshment for viewing the solar eclipse on April 4th!

old man wearing a tin hat people watching a solar eclipse
old man wearing a tin hat
people watching a solar eclipse

Event Information

Date: Monday, April 8th, 2024

Time: (Event Starts) 2:00P.M. EST (Event Ends) 4:00P.M. EST

Location: Erie, Pennsylvania